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Confession: I'm Horny

At the risk of sounding like a whore, I used to have a very uh hem healthy sex drive. For the past few years, it has practically been nonexistent. I couldn't figure out what happened exactly, but it was not exactly fun. I've been with the same man for nearly four years now--married nearly two. So, you can understand how a normal sex drive could be beneficial. I tried several things, but nothing seemed to change the situation. However, since I started the Metformin for my PCOS, I have just been downright teenager horny. I want it at least once nearly every day. I don't have any proof it's the treatment for the PCOS, but it makes sense. I mean, if there is a hormonal imbalance due to the PCOS, it certainly makes sense that fixing it could have those kinds of effects. So, while I have little to no evidence and no other cases to cite to the effect, I'm gonna say, "Thank you, Metformin, for giving me back my sex life!"

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