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You've Got to be Kidding: Firing English Speaking FFs

Someone sent this to me in an email. I don't know if it is legitimate, but I'll be damned if it is. This is unfuckingbelievable. Why did they hire them in the first place?! I'm sure there are plenty of English speaking firefighters out of work right now that would love the job. You don't hire someone when you have to fire someone else for it. This is a fucking outrage. Call your congressmen.


  1. Welcome to the muliticulturism and the death nail end of a great country.

  2. Great blog. Another blog you might enjoy:

  3. okay this makes a whole lotts sense !!!

  4. Hey, Oregon, how about you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself!!!!! Right in the ass!!!!!


Please keep in mind that I DO moderate my comments. You will NOT be posted if you do not have the balls to leave your name or contact info. Do us all a favor, and don't be a jackass because, really, I deal with enough jackasses everyday.