I'm feeling like ranting a little, and, since I got screwed by my lying company, I am dealing with the Department of Labor first hand. And, I have to tell you, and I don't want to sugar coat it for you, kids, they suck big donkey dick.
First, the maximum weekly benefit is $330 before taxes (we'll come back to that). I made three times that a week. Yeah, THREE TIMES. I can hardly live off $330 per week for gas and groceries alone! $330 per week is just enough to pay for my non-living expense bills. By non-living expense, I mean my car payment, car insurance, credit cards, and student loans. I am not even counting gas and groceries and miscellaneous expenses. And, I'm not counting any living expenses--meaning rent and utilities. Without Travis, I would have no food or gas or dry-cleaning, or new clothes (necessary new clothes, like for interviews, not wants), or whatever else. And, I sure as hell can't afford to rent any more. I'll be moving back home. Pathetic. Not to mention a burden for my dad.
Second, you have to pay taxes on unemployment benefits. Is it just me, or is that a little ridiculous? I mean, it isn't like we're working. I should have known better, though. They made me pay taxes on my scholarships in college. On scholarships. Ugh.
Third, the unemployment rate is astronomical, I get that. But, it is really that hard to staff these agencies? Hell, put some of the unemployed in there! I called yesterday because it said my PIN was locked out, and I could not log on to claim weekly benefits. It took me 30 minutes to get an answer. She said someone would have to call me back. They never did. I called back this morning. After 30 minutes of trying, I still hadn't gotten an answer. Finally, later today, I got someone. When she looked up my account, she could not find it. She could not find it. I applied two weeks ago. That is distressing. I can only hope it will be in the system by Friday when I have to certify. Not counting on it. I'm getting screwed here. I can just feel it.
I know the State is broke just like everyone else, but something has got to change. I'm not looking for a God damned handout either, Clay. I would just like to not lose my home. I would like to not ruin my credit that I've worked really hard to establish. I would like to get a fucking job doing something besides cleaning toilets. I have done my time. I've gotten my degree. I've worked the crap jobs. I don't think it's asking too much to get a decent one. I don't need a huge salary--hell, I'll take a pay cut. I'll move if I have to. I'm not asking for a bailout. I'm asking for some fucking help. H. E. L. P. Help. Now.