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Pick a Kibble, Drama Queen

Essie has become quite a drama queen. She has figured out that she can cry and jump into my arms. It's pathetic.

So, I went yesterday to get some food samples, which you can see below, and I came across this adorable shirt. Can you read it? It says "Drama Queen". Because she totally is. Actually, she's really kind of bitchy. Which, I guess, is sort of fitting, considering she is a bitch. But, anyway, the second from the left is actually made out of Bison. And, she doesn't want to have shit to do with it. She will eat the one on the left--the most expensive one. Naturally. Little spoiled rotten brat. Me and God love her. Oh, and Travis, too.

1 comment:

  1. My dog loves the Bison dog foot. They also have other wild-game-meat-based dog food. If it's the same stuff I use, it's made in Missouri.


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