Please note that I do not allow anonymous comments unless you inform me who you are. I am continuing to allow you to choose the option of anonymous or "Name/URL" so my family and friends with no log-in can leave me comments. If you choose not to be known to the public when you leave a comment, that is fine, but if you don't email me or let me know it was you, it will not be posted.

Cute Overload

Yes, I know you are tired of hearing about my dog. I know, you signed up for ranting, raving, lunatic Linz, but she's just kind of busy and not feeling that shit lately. So, more dog it is. As if you couldn't use more cuteness in your day. Please tell me you can't help but say "aww" when you see this:

1 comment:

Please keep in mind that I DO moderate my comments. You will NOT be posted if you do not have the balls to leave your name or contact info. Do us all a favor, and don't be a jackass because, really, I deal with enough jackasses everyday.