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Georgia's Pathetic Excuse for Snow

Click for larger view. Yeah, Georgia doesn't get snow. We get these gay little things called "flurries". Awesome. Anyway, I decided to join in the hysteria that comes only when there is a little bit of white dotting the sky. But, the pictures sure are pretty. Even if it will never stick to anything--and people will drive like idiots anyway.


  1. That's all we have too. I want real snow. I want a snow day in which it's hard to get to work and they send you home early.

  2. Hi I saw your comments on both Bob's and DD2's blogs so I thought I'd stop in and say hi..

  3. Well, Private, if you are so inclined, please allow me access to your blog, and I will happily return the favor. That is, if you ever come back to view your comment response...

  4. These were pretty pics, but we didnt get any over this way... Wish it would snow like it used to in the 80's when we were shut down for days... Wishful thinking!

  5. Trust me. It ain't all it's cracked up to be. Ill send you some if you want proof.

  6. I know, but for once in my life, I'd like to experience real snow. Real, honest to God snow.


Please keep in mind that I DO moderate my comments. You will NOT be posted if you do not have the balls to leave your name or contact info. Do us all a favor, and don't be a jackass because, really, I deal with enough jackasses everyday.