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The True Spirit of the Season: Giving

So, I'm sure all of you "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader" watchers remember when the Georgia School Superintendent won the million bucks. She vowed to give the money to some specialty schools in the state for the blind and deaf. And, she's holding true to her word, even as she files for bankruptcy.

I just want you all to stop for one second and process that. Yes, I realize this is just about the most hateful, sarcastic, rude, obnoxious, obscene page on the internet. But, the author is human, and the author loves the holiday season. And, this is why. The true spirit of the holidays is giving. Give until you can't give anymore, and then give some more.

I realize times are bad, and we don't have a lot of money. But, I can't agree with the people who think we should forgo giving gifts this year. And, that's not because I want to make sure I receive some. Gifts don't have to be a million dollars, they can be things from your heart or things you make instead of buy. But, let's be honest, who doesn't want to see a kid's eyes light up when they get that new bike they asked for? So, you don't go out on your Friday night date. It won't kill you. Reprioritize your funds a little this month, and do something nice for someone else.

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing. I am not even sure I could turn it over. I know greater rewards are in store for her.


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